[読書] CRITICAL THINKING: A Beginner’s Guide To Critical Thinking, Better Decision Making, And Problem Solving !

CRITICAL THINKING: A Beginner’s Guide To Critical Thinking, Better Decision Making, And Problem Solving ! ( critical thinking, problem solving, strategic thinking, decision making)

という本を読んだ。一般的な概念の説明で終わってしまい実際どうやってCritical Thinkingを使うのかが言及されていない。Critical Thinking実行方法は、下記のようだが、

How to Carry Out Critical Thinking Step By Step

  1. Establish what the problem is
  2. Undertake to analyze the problem
  3. Think up manageable solutions
  4. Choose the best possible solution
  5. Wind up your process


  1. Observation
  2. Analysis
  3. Interpretation
  4. Reflection
  5. Evaluation
  6. Inference
  7. Explanation
  8. Problem solving
  9. Decision making


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